Bookmarking for developers.

Larder is for bookmarking things on the web you'll need again. It's perfect for curating lists of libraries, tools, and reference material.

iOS, Android, Chrome, Safari, Opera, Firefox, API
Larder is a web app that works in any modern browser, with native Android and iOS apps too. Use the bookmarklet or any of our browser extensions to quickly add links.

GitHub stars and bookmarks combined
Your starred repositories are synced as bookmarks daily, automatically tagged by language. Keep track of projects without the noise of "Watch"-ing them, and get notified of new releases weekly.

Sync your favourite questions
Connect Stack Overflow to sync your favourited questions, automatically adding related tags. Get extra context from synced metadata about question score and number of answers.
Tags and folders
Organise your bookmarks with tags and multiple levels of folders. Search by tags, title, URL, description, or any combination of each.

Sign up for free and get six months to trial.
later for US $24/year.
Import your bookmarks from nearly anywhere.
Themes, dark included
Larder supports custom CSS themes. If your favourite colour is black, you'll be set.
Publish any folder
Create an attractive public list of your bookmarks. A low-effort way to collect and share your resources.
Get your JSON on
Check out the API docs to read and write bookmarks from wherever you like.